Thursday, February 28, 2008

I know, I know, we're too busy. There just isn't time. We barely have a free second to email our friends, let alone sit down and write a letter. Not to mention the fact that, unless we're fortunate enough to have a personal assistant, getting to the post office is possible only with the help of a miracle.

I just don't buy it. It's in this age of Internet that we desperately need to break away, sit down and put pen to paper! Of course, if we are going to allocate the three minutes it takes to communicate on paper, you know, the "old-fashioned" way, we may as well make sure it's done in style.

UNICEF has the most beautiful collection of cards (see the above images of mosques from around the world) and for only $10.00! And the proceeds go to UNICEF! What are you waiting for?!?

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Passion For Pink

I found myself craving peonies yesterday. Their outrageously large size, layers and layers of lush petals, vibrant color, and fresh, sweet smell make me feel alive like no other flower. Sadly, they are out of season, and I found them no where (unless of course, I wanted to have them shipped in from New Zealand?)

Refusing to be totally robbed of the sensation they give, and that I was craving, I decided to take the inspiration they offered me and go with it! This is what I found...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Molto Malta

Miss Trish in Palm Beach

The Molta

With spring right around the corner, it's time to think about sandels again. Miss Trish of Capri has long been one of my favorite shoes divas. The Molta is at the top of my wish list. If you can't make it down to Palm Beach for a visit into her fabulous store, visit her online at

Monday, February 25, 2008

Is It March Yet?

A friend and her husband recently offered me the cute little bungalow-it's a guest house of sorts-on their property. Knowing that I'll be moving out of the townhouse I currently share with two others, and into my own abode has given me spring decorating fever. All I can think about is the furniture, and ridiculous collection of precious nick-knacks I was forced to leave behind in a storage unit when I relocated to Charlotte from Charleston.

On a recent trip into America's greatest one-stop-shop (need I even say I'm referring to Target?) I found the above pillows, all insanely low in price, and perfect for the white slip covered sofa I plan on bringing up from storage. The Pagoda pillow is available in an array of colors, perfect no matter what your color scheme at home!

The Big O

In honor of Oscar; the genious actors who allow us to dream, and more importantly, believe; the stunning threads that give us no choice, but to tune in, year after year, in order to watch as they flow down that infamous red carpet.

I thought who else, but Audrey? She effortlessly embodied it all. Cigarette pants, ballet flats, little black dresses, the list goes on. And are we ever so greatful to have her to thank. Dare I ask, where we would be without the eternally classic Ms. Hepburn?

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Birds of Paradise

I just adore these little guys! I love to accessorize, and have been on the look out for good looking wine stoppers, to no avail. That is, until I stopped into Anthropologie yesterday. Classic, but with an air of, oh-so-important flirtatiousness (if it's not a word, it should be!), the ceramic stoppers will be a conversation point at your next Sunday afternoon wine and cheese get-together. Don't try choosing your favorite, bring home all three!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Title Says It All

The God of Small Things; if you haven't read Arundhati Roy's beautiful play on words, you simply must. Immediately. Her writing is as rich and lush as the indian culture she grew up in.

Because Sometimes, We Need To Be Reminded

“Do not wish to be anything but what you are, and to be that perfectly”

-St. Francis De Sales